Recent generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation include:
Platinum ($10,000+)
Louise and Bob Dudley
Gold ($5,000-$9,999)
UPS Foundation -
grant for barrier-free lift and furnishings for Innovations
Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
Roberta and David Levin
Lin and Jim Loftus -
Imagine! Celebration Silver
RMCS - Imagine! Celebration Silver Sponsor
Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Virginia and Scott Brown - Imagine! Celebration Table Sponsor
J3 Engineering Consultants
Karen and Jon Jones
PCS Group
Shawna and Matt Schultz
Associate ($500-$999)
Anonymous -
Family donation given at the Zolo Thanksgiving
Vicki and John Greff
Diane and Richard Vandermeer
Supporter ($250-$499)
Maria and Art Richmond
Priscilla and George Slocum
Indiegogo -
Innovations Crowdfunding Campaign
Friend ($1-$249)
Wendy Atkin and Ed Wassom
Elizabeth and Angelo Bindi
Heather and Matthew Brandt
Barbara and Thomis Buell
Patty Dance
Susanne and Scott Davis
In Memory of Bill Schmalhorst
Barbara and Loren Donaldson
Bob Drake
Fran Dugan

Sallie and George Duvall
Rachael Gass
Diane and Bob Greenlee
Chris and Robert Hannagan
Joe Hansen
Sherrie Johnson
Fran and Kent Katnik
Kathy and Roy Krughoff
In Memory of Doc Nelson
Claire Largesse
Pat and Eldon Lindeman
Patricia Lowe
Meg McClellan and Jim Barlow
Sue and Michael Myers - Imagine! Celebration Tickets
Julia and Marshall Peavy
Peter Schmid
Michael Kastner and Nancy Schmidt
Margie Shaw
Barb and Art Sward
Jesse Tafoya
Lindsley Temple
Rosalie and Bill Vorlage
George Wallace
Candace and Jim Williams
Thelma Whitaker
In-Kind Associate ($500-$999)
Design Mechanical Inc. - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - four
Colorado Avalanche hockey tickets
Strider No Pedal Balance Bike -
two sport bikes for Out & About
In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Lake Valley Golf Club - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - two Golf for Two with a Cart certificates
Starfish Jewelry LLC - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - Big Buddha vegan handbag and UNO de 50 Orion bracelet
In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Aji Latin American Restaurant - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - a $50 gift card
Alex and Ani - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - three Alex and Ani bangles
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $100 gift certificate and gift package
Boulder Bookstore - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - two books
Boulder Cork - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $100 gift certificate
Buffalo Lock & Key, Inc. - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - American Security electronic safe
Chelsea - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $35 gift card
Chippers Bowling Alley - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - bowling, lasertag, arcades for six people
Clutter - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $25 gift card
Dairy Arts Center - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - four tickets to any three 2016 concerts
Ms. Jane Dinsmore - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - shampoo, cut and style
Dish Gourmet - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $25 gift certificate
Enhanced Movements Chiropractic and Wellness Center - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - new patient exam and treatment
ETown - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - two eTown gift certificates and two Handmade Songs CDs
Fantasy Orchids - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $25 gift certificate
Frasca Food & Wine - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $175 gift card
GolfTEC - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - 90 minute full-swing evaluation
Grandrabbits Toy Shoppe - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $25 gift card and plush turtle
Hapa - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - two $50 gift cards
JJ Wells - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - Desigual faux leather hobo handbag
Longmont Dairy Farm - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $25 gift certificate
Moov, LLC - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - mobility starter kit and training session
Murphy's South - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $25 gift card
Noodles & Company - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - four Global Tasting certificates
Organic Sandwich Company - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $25 gift card
Pasta Jay's - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - two, $25 gift certificates
Pure Barre - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - three free classes and a pair of socks
Ramble on Pearl - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - Ambler Mountain Works felted bag, knit hat, and matching scarf
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shaw - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - two front row
Colorado Rockies tickets, parking
Shuttles, Spindles & Skeins - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $25 gift certificate
The Art Underground - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $50 gift certificate
The Fort - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $150 gift certificate
The Greenbriar Inn - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - champagne brunch for two people
The Huckleberry - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - tea for two
The Kitchen - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item – two gift certificates
The Little Jewel - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $100 gift certificate
The SideDoor Salon - Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - $50 gift certificate
Colene and Don Van Winkle -
Christmas trees for Imagine!'s Santa Fe Group Home
As always, we thank
all of our generous donors.