Friday, December 27, 2013

Flood Damage Update – Financial Impact And Efforts

Today we thought we’d give you an update on how we’re dealing with the financial impact we incurred during the historic flooding that took place this fall in Boulder County. Imagine! is pleased that all of its homes that were damaged in the flood have now been repaired, and all live-in staff who were displaced have now moved back into their residential settings. Grants have thus far brought in $26,000, insurance provided $30,000, and our online crowdfunding campaign raised $35,237. We have some additional grant requests that have been submitted, we completed an application for FEMA, and we have applied for a Small Business Administration loan. But, at present, Imagine! is still facing a shortfall of approximately $130,000. This shortfall will most likely translate into belt tightening in all departments. If you haven’t had a chance to help as yet, please consider a gift to: Imagine! Foundation, 1400 Dixon Avenue, Lafayette, CO 80026 or the online on our website at Thank you!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Thanks, Liquor Mart!

Today we’d like to offer our sincere thanks to Liquor Mart.

Since Saturday, December 14, and continuing through Tuesday, December 24th, Liquor Mart has set up a wrapping station at their store so customers can have their holiday cheer wrapped before they even get home. Proceeds from wrapping will benefit Imagine!.

This is just one more way Liquor Mart has supported Imagine! over the past decade. For example, Liquor Mart has generously arranged for and/or donated beverages for ALL of the Imagine! Foundation’s events, including the Imagine! Celebrations, since the beginning of the Foundation in 2000 – an amazing contribution!

Pictured below, Imagine! CEO Mark Emery is seen manning the wrapping station this past weekend.

Thank you, Liquor Mart, for all you do for your community!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Holly Jolly Holiday Giving!

Imagine!’s Gift Giving Drive is complete, and once again we have been delightfully overwhelmed by the generosity of our community.

Among the generous organizations that donated items to help make the holidays brighter for individual served by Imagine! were:

FirstBank, which donated gifts for 22 adults.

International Paper, which donated gifts for 12 children.

King Soopers in Aurora, which contributed 386 gifts for children.

Nativity of our Lord Catholic Church, which donated gifts for 175 children and 20 adults.

ReMax Alliance Longmont, which donated gifts for 17 adults.

SeaGate, which donated gifts for 12 children.

Guests at Stephen Tebo’s Annual Holiday party, who donated gifts for 67 children.

You can also see some of the individuals who contributed gifts or cash for gifts by clicking here and here. Thanks to gift donations and cash donations of more than $1,000, we were able to provide presents for 515 Imagine! clients.

Check out a few pictures of the donated toys below. Thanks to all who helped out and helped make it a truly holly jolly holiday for individuals served by Imagine!.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
Eide Bailly LLP – Silver Sponsor at the Imagine! Celebration
PDC Pharmacy – Silver Sponsor at the Imagine! Celebration

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Adams Bank & Trust – Table at the Imagine! Celebration
Jon & Karen Jones
NewMark Merrill – Table at the Imagine! Celebration
Jay & Kathy Montgomery – Table at the Imagine! Celebration

Associate ($500-$750)
David & Suzanne Hoover

Supporter ($250-$499)
The Philoptochos Society of Sts. Peter & Paul Greek Orthodox Church             

Friend ($1-$249)
Anonymous (2)
Anonymous – For Holiday Gifts
Thomis & Barbara Buell
Paul & Mary Ann Bursiek
Max & Barbara Coppom
Bob & Sandy Edson
Lynn Henry – For Holiday Gifts
Paul & Jan Hoskins
Andy & Carol Johnson
Dale & Sandra Keller – For Flood Relief
Bill & Laura Koch – Tickets for the Imagine! Celebration
Markel Homes Construction Company
MGM/United Artists – Residuals for Billy Montgomery’s performance in “Rain Man
In Honor of Bill Sabin
  From Jerry Sabin
Susan Sahm – For Holiday Gifts
Stan’s Automotive
John Thacker
Rick & Pat Uhlir -- For Holiday Gifts
In Honor of Pat Uhlir
  From Anonymous -- For Holiday Gifts

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
Colorado Doorways – Back-ups, monitors, computers, keyboards, and mice

In-Kind Associate ($500-$999)
Omni Hotels – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two certificates for one-night stays at any Omni Hotel in North America

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
The Palmos Family – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Cards for Agave, Buddha Café, Murphy’s Grill, and Thai Kitchen; $100 Gift Card for Tangerine

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Colorado Symphony – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two tickets to select concerts in the 2013-14 season
Robert & Susan Gabriel – Holiday Gifts
Cory & Debbie Graus – Holiday Gifts
Bill & Laura Koch – Holiday Gifts
John & Karen Nevins – Holiday Gifts
Caroline Siegfried – Holiday Gifts
Kevin Taylor Restaurant Group – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Certificate

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations 

Platinum ($10,000+)
Bob & Judy Charles – For Bob & Judy Charles SmartHome
McElwain Family Foundation – Platinum Sponsor of the Imagine! Celebration

Gold ($5,000-$9,999)
Centennial Bank – Gold Sponsor of the Imagine! Celebration
Colorado Business Bank -- Gold Sponsor of the Imagine! Celebration
Louise Dudley (Will be used for Flood Relief)
Robert Dudley (Will be used for Flood Relief)
Betty Eldridge – Gold Sponsor of the Imagine! Celebration
Land Title Guarantee Company -- Gold Sponsor of the Imagine! Celebration

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Robert W. Baird and Co., Inc. – Table at the Imagine! Celebration
Crestone Capital Advisors LLC – Table at the Imagine! Celebration
Pete & Gayla Lindquist
Northrop Grumman – Grant of $1,000 for Family Support Grants
Michaela Phillips
Chuck Sisk & Terre Rushton – Table at the Imagine! Celebration
Danny Souders – Flood Relief
Western Disposal – Table at the Imagine! Celebration

Supporter ($250-$499)
Kent Arnold
David Millhiser
Zolo Grill Thanksgiving Day Donations ($428)

Friend ($1-$249)
Angelo & Ann Bindi
Hal, Sherry, & Annie Bruff
Joel & Linda Champion
George Cope
Ken Hackbarth
Dan & Judy Hersh
Joy Linfield
Tom & Debbie Lockwood
Gerry & Pat McNutt
Tom & Pat Metz
Shirley Morck
Robin Nissen
Steve Turley
Bill & Rosalie Vorlage

In-Kind Donations 

In-Kind Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
George & Kristin Karakehian – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One week at Cape Cod five- bedroom home

 In-Kind Bronze ($1,000-$2,500)
Sandy & Sally Bracken – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Farm Table Dinner for 12
John Kirk – Refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, and microwave for Imagine! residences

In-Kind Associate ($500-$999)
Jessica Johnson – Microwave, dishwasher, and stove for Imagine! residences

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Catie Bodin -- Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Silver, onyx, and crystal necklace & earrings
Boulder Country Club – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One round of golf for 4 players w/carts
Omni Interlocken Resort – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One night stay with breakfast and 18 holes of golf for two people

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Ron & Janan Alford – Holiday Gifts for Imagine! families
The Animal Hospital – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Annual canine exam, heartworm testing, & vaccinations
Mary Balzer – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Award winning handwoven vessel with glass swirl
Whitney Blair – Holiday Gifts for Imagine! families
Buffalo Lock & Key – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: American Security Pistol Box Safe
Court Street Antiques & Gifts, Ltd. – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Turquoise beaded bracelet and arm candy purse
eTown – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two Tickets to an eTown Hall event
The Little Jewel – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Sterling silver necklace
Lodge Casino – Black Hawk – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One night stay plus $50 towards dinner
Longmont Kiwanis Club – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Wooden toy train, helicopter, jeep, & biplane
Pedestrian Corporation – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Pair of Dansko professional clogs
Snooze – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 Gift Card
Leona Stoecker – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: A year of homemade baked bread
Rick Uhlir – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Series of four golf lessons at Indian Peaks Golf Course
Wonderbound – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two tickets to “Love”

As always, we thank all of our generous donors

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Colorado Gives Day Brings In More Than $17K For Imagine!

Yesterday’s Colorado Gives Day proved to be another successful one for the Imagine! Foundation. We raised $17,425 from 91 donors! Now, admittedly, the amount is less than we brought in last year, but last year’s total included an anonymous donation of $25,000 for our Next Step Group Home in Broomfield, and we weren’t expecting a repeat of that.

So we were pleased not only with the total amount, but also in the number of donors! The total of 91 donors was a substantial increase over last year’s number of 74 donors, proving that this annual event continues to attract more and more generous citizens in Colorado and elsewhere.

Thank you to all who participated, not only those who donated to Imagine!, but to the many other great and vital organizations who also took part in this day of giving. In all, Colorado Gives Day brought in nearly 88,000 donations to 1,442 nonprofit organizations totaling a record-setting amount of more than $20 million, surpassing the $15.4 million raised in 2012.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Today Is Colorado Gives Day!

Colorado Gives Day is today, and we encourage you to participate! Donations made online at today will be eligible for partial matching funds. Donating through Colorado Gives eliminates all processing fees for Imagine! for donations totaling up to $50,000 per year.

Colorado Gives Day was a great success last year. Our total was $44,125 from 74 donors, and included $867.28 in partial matching funds from the FirstBank Incentive Fund. This total was nearly four times the amount raised in 2011, thanks in great part to the donation of $25,000 from an anonymous donor for the new Next Step Group Home in Broomfield.

If you are thinking about making a gift to Imagine! before the end of the calendar year, please consider doing it online today. Whether you go through our website ( or directly to Colorado Gives, you will end up at the same place. You may also designate a particular Imagine! program in the “Any comments or special instructions” box if you would like. The only gifts that are ineligible are donations for which you receive something in return, such as tickets or sponsorships of our Imagine! Celebration

Thank you!

Monday, December 9, 2013

There's Still Time To Help Brighten The Holidays For Imagine! Families In Need

Imagine!’s 2013 Gift Giving Drive is in full swing. Last holiday season, more than 500 Imagine! clients were served through the Gift Giving Drive with the generosity of community support. We had a significant increase of families seeking support this year and all donations will help us reach our clients who are most in need this season. There will be donation drop off boxes at Imagine!’s Coal Creek and Dixon office buildings, or a pick up can be arranged for group donations!

Due to an incredible need within the Imagine! community this year, we will be extending the dates for collecting gift donations through next Monday, December 16th. As many of you know, we have experienced a (major) increase in the number of families seeking support this year and many of our community donors have been able to donate fewer resources this year as well.

Our goal is to support the 500+ individuals on the list and we need your help more than ever!

For questions please contact - Elizabeth Hill- or 303-926-6460.

Gift ideas include:

For Children ages 0-18
Educational Toys (Spanish or English)
Dolls and Accessories
Board Games Books (Spanish or English)
Craft Sets
Ball Set or Nerf Set
Car or Truck Sets
Remote Control Car
CD Player w/ Headphones
Art Supplies
Clothing Items: Hats, Scarves, Mittens, Gloves Gift Cards
For Adults
Art and Craft Supplies
Body Lotion/Bath Sets
Hats, Scarves, Mittens, Gloves

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
David & Roberta Levin
Mark Zentner – ½ Gold Sponsorship of Imagine! Celebration to be matched by Motorola Solutions Foundation

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Robert Bauers
In Honor of Luke Goresline
  From Paul Diede
Qualcomm Foundation – Matching Gifts
Bernie & Leona Stoecker – Table at the Imagine! Celebration

Friend ($1-$249)
Judi Halbert
Jill Hobson
Art & Maria Richmond

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Isle Casino Hotel Black Hawk – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One Night Stay in a Mini-Suite with $100 Certificate for Dinner at Farraddays Steakhouse

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Bolder Boulder – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two Race Certificates for the 2014 Bolder Boulder
The Boulder Cork – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Gift Certificate for $75
Boulder Cycle Sport – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: A Bicycle Tune-Up
Carlson & Carlson Sprinklers, LLC – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Sprinkler Spring Start Up & Fall Blow Out
Children’s Museum of Denver – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Four $1 Gets You In Passes
Colorado Music Festival – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two Level One Tickets
Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Family Dinner Certificate
History Colorado – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two Family 4-Packs of Free Admission, plus Commemorative Book and Issue of Newsmagazine
Iris Nails, LLC – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Regular Manicure and Regular Pedicure
Jesters Theatre – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Dinner & Show for 2
Opera Colorado – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two Tickets to Verdi’s Rigoletto
The Puddle Car Wash – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Punch Card for 10 Water Works Car Washes
Pump House Brewery – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 Gift Certificate
The Rib House – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two 3-Piece Gift Boxes
Tortugas – A Fish House – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 Gift Certificate

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Next Step Group Home Construction Update

Here’s an update on the construction of Imagine!’s Next Step Group Home.

Yesterday and early today, forms were set to pour the foundation walls. Late-morning today the concrete was poured, and the concrete work for walls was wrapped up mid-afternoon. Once the foundation walls were poured, the site was covered with thermal blankets due to the extreme cold forecasted to arrive. The thermal blankets will be in place for two to three days to allow the concrete walls to set and dry in the forms. Once the forms are dry, they will be removed, and the next steps will be for rough-in plumbing in the basement, setting the rebar for the basement slab, and, following a bunch on inspection, framing will begin.


Monday, December 2, 2013

A Very Zolo Thanksgiving

The 10th Annual Zolo Southwestern Grill free Thanksgiving for Imagine! families served approximately 350 meals in three seatings. All food was donated, and the servers, chefs, and kitchen staff from the various Big Red F Restaurants all volunteered their time. Big Red F owner Dave Query was there with his whole family working in the kitchen (pictured below). SmartHomes architect Peter Heinz and his wife Arlene also took orders, bussed tables, and scraped plates as they do most every year. While servers did not accept tips, guests were offered the opportunity to donate to an Imagine’s fishbowl, and $428 was collected to benefit those we serve. Many thanks to Dave Query and Big Red F for making this wonderful occasion possible for Imagine! families.

The Query family.
The McNutt family.
The Luxner family