This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:
Cash Donations
Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
Scott & Virginia Brown --
Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
John & Deea Frisbie -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Eric & Jennifer Love – Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Walt & Linda Pounds -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Wells Fargo – Final payment for Gold Sponsorship at the Imagine! Celebration
Thomas & Linda Willetto -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Sandy & Sally Bracken – Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Bob & Judy Charles – Table at the Imagine! Celebration
Terry & Susan Clark -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Phil & Yvonne DiStefano -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
David Edwards – Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
David Edwards – Table at the Imagine! Celebration
Dennis & Becky Fase -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Bill & Laura Koch -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Terry & Suzie LaVelle -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Walt Logue & Anahid Katchian -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Rick & Jackie Nelson -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Terry & Zoe Palmos -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jerry & Julia Rudy -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Danny & Linda Souders -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Associate ($500-$999)
Brad & Dana Bickham -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Chris & Tanya Bowry -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Joe & Heather DiIorio -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jessie Elliott -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Ben & Elizabeth Gable -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Chris Leh -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jay & Kathy Montgomery -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Ron & Vickye Secrist – Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Gene & Beverly Shaw -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
John & Susan Sidwell -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Rick & Lynne Waidler -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Susan White -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Supporter ($250-$499)
Whitney Blair -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Dale Charles -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Geoff & Ann Cooper – Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Scott & Claudia Culley -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Bob & Sandy Edson -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Mark & Judy Emery -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Rollie Heath -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Greg & Jillian Horner -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Sam & Taryn Inman -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Richard & Connie Knippelmeyer -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Victoria Marschner -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Mike & Linda Matthews -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Kevin Nelson -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Mike & Theresa Seader -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Chuck Sisk & Terre Rushton -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Peter Wycoff -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Friend ($1-$249)
Jason & Carrie Armknecht -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Peggy Arnold -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jay & Mary Balzer -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
John & Crystal Bickel -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Robert Blackwell -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Wendy Blakemore -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Steve & June Blouch -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Dave & Elisa Bosley -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Stephanie Brennan -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Don & Karen Brown -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Tom & Shauna Callahan -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jack Campbell -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jared Cantwell -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Kory & Kim Cash -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Robb Cope -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
John & Joni Creighton -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Ken & Lynn Curtis -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Patrick & Janell Daly -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Bob & Beth Davis – Donation to the Imagine! Celebration
Johnnie & Jan DeLeon -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Lou & Melodie Della Cava -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
In Memory of John Downing
From Joel and Dorothy Sutter
Chris & Caryn Fannon -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Front Range Periodontal Assn/Mimi Miller -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Sean Gingerich
Vic Goodiel -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
GR8Homes of Arizona/Robert Young
Cameron & Erika Grant -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Teresa Gray -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Michael & Sibyl Grenier -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Peter & Arlene Heinz -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Tom & Becky Herman -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
George & Kristin Karakehian
Dale & Kathy King -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jaime LaVelle -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Mark & Julie Lee -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Dave & Shannon Lemmon -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Wendy Linder -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Craig & Barbara MacCambridge -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Andrew & Karen Mason-Richardson -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Cindy McLellan -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Doug & Patty Meneley -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Tom & Vicki Miller -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Chris & Haila Mirto -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Monarch Wealth Attorneys/Russell & Carolina Lombardy -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Karen Morroni -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Rick & Jackie Nelson – Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Ray & Lori Nessler -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
John & Karen Nevins -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Dwight & Cindy Newell - Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Rebecca Novinger -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Pat & Michelle O’Brien -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Vicki O’Connor -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Al & Delaine Orendorff -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Lauren Park -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Leslie Parrish -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jack Patten -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jacob & Sharon Pomerantz -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Dan Powers -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Bill & Cathy Pyle -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Sam & Carla Rapp -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jane Rogers
Rudy & Shelly Rudolph -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Rich Salm -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Nate Samek -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Pat Sharp -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Irene Smittkamp -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Kyle & Michelle Snyder -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Gary Stebick -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Leona & Bernie Stoecker -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Don Sullivan & Paige Lawrence -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Mike & Janis Tennery -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Jacob & Meggan Van Kessel -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Don & Colene Van Winkle -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Loree Vanderhye -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Don & Kathy Weibel -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
Chuck Wellman -- Donation at the Imagine! Celebration
In-Kind Donations
In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Best Buy – Art Supplies for
CORE/Labor Source
Ron Pearce – Dryer for residential homes
Don Sullivan & Paige Lawrence – Balloons and decorations for Imagine! Celebration