Out & About was created in 1997 in response to the requests of community members with disabilities and family members who care for those with disabilities. Since that time, Out & About has continued to grow and develop into a dynamic, exciting, and flexible organization thanks to the ideas, requests and suggestions of staff members, the community, and the people they serve.
Out & About offers community-based recreation programming for adults and children with developmental disabilities, including:
• Catalog - Services offered on evenings and weekends for adults. Some examples include: swimming, equine therapy, bowling, hiking, holiday dance parties, arts & crafts, Denver Zoo, Museum of Nature and Science, Water World and Elitch Gardens. Out & About also offers a mid-day Saturday activity for school aged children.
• After School Program - Offered to school-aged children. Participants are picked up from their respective school and driven to the activity by an Out & About instructor.
• Summer Camp and select School Closure Days – Full day services for school aged children when school is not in session.
In each program area Out & About uses positive instruction within a therapeutic framework to encourage growth, learning, community participation, socialization, health, safety and the achievement of individual goals for each participant.
To honor this important anniversary, Out & About will be hosting a celebration event this Friday, November 2, in conjunction with its usual Friday Night Out event. The celebration is free and open to the public, and will take place from 6:30 – 9:30 in the John Taylor Conference Center’s Pounds Conference Room, located in Imagine!’s office at 1665 Coal Creek Drive in Lafayette.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Haley Jones Short, Out & About, Therapeutic Specialist/Evenings and Weekend Coordinator, at hjones@imaginecolorado.org.
Congratulations, Out & About!