Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Platinum ($10,000+)
Walt & Linda Pounds

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Avista Adventist Hospital – Table at Imagine! Celebration
Fisher Auto, Inc. – Table at Imagine! Celebration
Imagine! Employees
Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc. – Table at Imagine! Celebration
George & Petrea Mah
Jay & Kathy Montgomery – Table at Imagine! Celebration
Republic National Distributing Company – Donation for Imagine! Celebration

Associate ($500-$999)
FirstBank Incentive Fund
Bob & Diane Greenlee
In Honor of Tim Johnson, Gene & Jan Barnett, and James & Jeanne Mytton
  From John & Tina Honea
David and Marcia Wyatt

Supporter ($250-$499)
Peter & Anne Carpenter

Friend ($1-$249)
Mark & Enid Ablowitz
Linda Barr
Michelle Conkey
Fred Cooper
Kathy Coyne
Martha Evans
Allen & Jessica Feld
In Memory of Jeannette Gonzalez
  From Frascona, Joiner, Goodman, and Greenstein, P.C.
Andrea Grant
In Honor of the Charles Holmes Family
  From Pete & Patti Sandman
Andy & Carol Johnson
Ed & Connie Lehman
Robert Naumann
Alex & Susanne Rhodes
Susan Routt
In Honor of William J. Senter
  From Irene Senter
Stan’s Automotive 
Daniel & Sandra Stevens
Simeon & Janis Walker

In-Kind Donations

Platinum ($10,000+)
Paul & Merritt Lealman – 1998 accessible Ford Econoline conversion van

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Fisher Auto Inc. – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: 50 Oil Changes

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Autism Society of Boulder County - Gift basket for Imagine!’s Resource Fair
The Golden Hotel  – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One night’s lodging and breakfast in the Bridgewater Grill 
Jan Rasmussen – King Soopers Gift Cards for Gift Giving Drive

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Platinum ($10,000+)

Gold ($5,000-$9,999)
David & Laura Braddock – Gold Sponsor of the Imagine! Celebration
In Honor of Mark Emery
  From David & Laura Braddock

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Anonymous (1)
Robert Bauers
Chris & Pat Current
Donelson Ciano & Grant, P.C. – Table at the Imagine! Celebration
Jon & Karen Jones
Susan LaHoda
Pete & Gayla Lindquist
In Honor of Kyle Luxner
  From Bob & Joan Luxner
  From Mary Martella
  From Brenda Summers
Rajul & Amy Pandya

Associate ($500-$999)
Anonymous (1)
In Memory of Johanna “Jodi” Arnold
  From Edward & Jacqueline Arnold
  From Ruth Arnold
Black Roofing
Import Coachworks, Ltd
David & Suzanne Hoover
In Honor of Susan McNutt
  From Peter & Alex McNutt
David & Patti Micklin
In Honor of Kendra Minden
  From Anonymous
Jerry & Julia Rudy
Susan White

Supporter ($250-$499)
In Memory of Linioel Aleskin
  From Jon & Jan Rasmussen
Fletcher & Janie Brown
Joel & Carolyn Buck-Gengler
Carlos & Rebecca Descalzo
Mary Emery
John Lewis
Ellen Marshall
Kevin & Jennifer Music
Rick & Kathy New
Robert Pelz, Jr.

Friend ($1-$249)
Richard & Alma Alber
Anonymous (6)
Ann Arnette
Ken & Pat Baker
Jay & Mary Balzer
In Honor of Cam the Man Beyer
  From Claire Findlay
Paul & Kay Bierbaum
Carl & Merna Brady
Kristin Brousseau
Buck & Nancy Buchanan
John Clarke
Tom Cobb & Mary Blue
Kathy Coniway
Jennifer Cope
Christina Craigo
Bert & Mardelle Crist
Alan & Tessa Davis
Joan Davis
Sue Deans
In Honor of Scott & Elisha Doyen
  From William & Carolyn Doying
Mark & Denise Duffy
Lehn & Johannah Franke
Golden Nuggets Kiwanis
David & Rachel Gehr
Robert & Carolyn Grant-Krenz
Allison Gray
Trent & Jennifer Gustafson
In Honor of Julie Hamilton
  From Carla Rapp
Greg Harris
David & Melinda Harrison
In Memory of David LaHoda
  From Lisa Fiero
Aileen Lammers
Gary & Lou McClelland
In Memory of Sarah McInroy
  From Anonymous  
  From Lisa Fiero
Nate & Alison Meadows
Albert & Alison Moraska
David & Merry Mungo
Tom Norton
Rebecca Novinger
In Honor of Katie O’Connor
  From Catherine Manka
Garry Sanfacon
Judy Shilling
In Honor of Alex Shuler
  From Mary Stauss
Caroline Siegfried
Louise Smart
In Memory of Carol Spencer
  From Bob Spencer
Donald & Shirley Stanosheck
Lea Vanden Boogaard
In Honor of Emmett Vertuca
  From Anonymous
In Honor of Colene Van Winkle
  From Douglas & Julia Beall
Remsen & Marilyn Voorhis
Jack & Sophie Walker
Brian & Tracy Waisman
Marion & Carolyn Weygandt
Mark & Katie Wilcox
Sterling Wind
Bill & Renate Wood

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Agave Pesos – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Certificate
Art Cleaners – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Four $25 Gift Certificates
Arugula – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Certificate
Buddha Café – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Certificate
Community Holistic Health Center – 12 certificates for monthly Customer Service Awards
Denver Broncos – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Signed photo of tight end Jacob Tamme
Murphy’s North – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Certificate
Options in Design – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Knit/beaded headband and matching gloves, specialty cashmere pashima wrap/scarf, shell, pearl, and crystal necklace and earring set
Tangerine – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Certificate

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Imagine! Celebration Kicks Off Imagine!'s 50th Year

The 12th annual Imagine! Celebration on Friday, January 25, 2013 will have a special focus this year, as it launches a year-long salute to Imagine!’s 50th year. In 1963, when Beatlemania was in full swing, popular films were “Lawrence of Arabia” and “To Kill a Mockingbird,” and the average cost of a gallon of gas was 29 cents, a group of parents came together to design an alternative to the standard practice of sending children with developmental disabilities away to grow up in institutions. And on August 6, 1963, Imagine! (known by several different names in the interim) became the first organization in the state dedicated to such a purpose.

To honor this momentous milestone, the Imagine! Celebration has set its goal at $250,000 -- $50,000 for each of Imagine!’s five decades. Participants in Heads and Tails will pay $50 for the opportunity to win a $500 gift certificate from a special local restaurant, and the goal of the Special Appeal will be $50,000.

A great line up of live auction items will lead the way to achieving the overall goal. New this year is a delicious catered farm table dinner for up to 12 people in September 2013, hosted by Imagine! Foundation president Sandy Bracken and his wife Sally at their lovely home. Guests will enjoy a delectable outdoor dining experience while gazing across open fields to a breathtaking view of the sun setting behind the Continental Divide. This year’s auction will also feature the reappearance of some truly wonderful favorites! Picture a week in a private home in beautiful Ouray, the “Switzerland of America,” compliments of Jay and Kathy Montgomery, or a family reunion at the exquisite Durango mountain home of Don Sullivan and Paige Lawrence. If you wish to travel a bit farther afield, George Karakehian, who will emcee the Celebration, and his wife Kristin will once again donate a week at their lovely Cape Cod home. A highlight of the live auction will again be a week at the gorgeous Greek island villa of the Palmos Family, and we are delighted to be able to include the return of Anahid Katchian’s exotic Mediterranean Feast. Be sure to check out all of our live auction items beginning on January 9 by clicking here.                         

This year’s event will again be held at the Best Western Plus Plaza Conference Center in Longmont. More information about sponsors, auction items, and all of the festivities is available on the Imagine! website.  Purchase tickets and tables online by clicking here.

Reserve now, and we’ll look forward to seeing you on January 25th!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Gold ($5,000-$9,999)
Flood and Peterson Insurance, Inc. – Gold Sponsor of the Imagine! Celebration

Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
Plexus Corporation Charitable Foundation – Silver Sponsor of the Imagine! Celebration

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Bernie & Leona Stoecker – Table at the Imagine! Celebration

Associate ($500-$999)
Ella Washington Agency 

Supporter ($250-$499)
National Research Center, Inc.
Sanderson Law, P.C.

Friend ($1-$249)
Kent Arnold & Gillian Walters
John & Peggy Bender
Michael Bonino -- For Holiday Gifts for Imagine! families who are in need - from the Tebo Party
In Honor of Philip DiStefano
  From Rose Community Foundation
David Edwards
Dan & Judy Forkner
Tom & Beth Huffman
Patricia Lowe
In Memory of Sarah McInroy
  From Jackie Gurley
  From Walt & Linda Pounds
Gerry & Gloria Phillips
In Honor of Bill Sabin  
  From Jerry Sabin
John & Barbara Taylor
William & Rosalie Vorlage
Jack & Sophie Walker – For Holiday Gifts for Imagine! families in need-from the Tebo Party
David Wilson

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Associate ($500-$999)
Sage & Savory Catering  – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Hors D’oeuvre Party

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Joyce Frailey – Pediatric Walker
David & Roberta Levin – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: A hot air balloon ride with champagne and pastries for two people
Denver Nuggets/Kroenke Sports – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: 4 tickets to Denver Nuggets vs. New Orleans Hornets 2/1/2013
Longmont Kiwanis Club53 wooden toys – some to be used for Imagine! Celebration Auction items; some for the Gift Giving Drive

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Alba Restaurant and Wine Bar – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 Gift Certificate
Blue Mountain Arts – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Six vouchers for the Colorado Shakespeare Festival
Buffalo Lock and Key – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Electronic Safe
Clutter – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 Gift Certificate & 10% off coupon
Denver Boulder Couriers – One courier trip
Downtown Aquarium – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Four free admissions
Fantasy Orchids – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 Gift Certificate
Bobby Hills, CMT – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One sports massage
Indulge Bakery – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Certificate
City of Louisville Recreation & Senior Services Center – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: 20 Visit Pass
McGuckin Hardware – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Card
Peak Entertainment/FirstBank Center – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Four Suite tickets and VIP Parking at a Denver Roller Dolls bout
Janine Randol – children’s books and toys for Dayspring
Christy Russell – Imagine! Auction Item: Haircut (at Fringe, Louisville)
Caroline Siegfried – Holiday Gifts for Imagine! families in need
Si Senor – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 Gift Certificate
Thomas Zyvoloski, DDS – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Sonicare Diamond Clean Toothbrush and Tooth & Gum Tonic

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Gift Giving Goodness

This past Monday saw the completion of the first stage of Imagine!’s Gift Giving Drive - gathering donations.

Now, Imagine! staff members and volunteers are sorting and organizing the many, many gifts that were donated by generous community members, and preparing to distribute the gifts to families served by Imagine! who are in need. We’ll give you the complete details once the gifts are sorted and delivered, but in the meantime, we’d like to highlight a few donations in particular.

Check out these awesome handmade wooden toys. The Kiwanis Club of Longmont donated 53 of these to the Holiday Gift Giving Drive. Great stuff! Thanks, Kiwanis!

The photo below represents only a few of the 245 gifts Imagine! received Friday, November 30, from Stephen Tebo's annual holiday party for our Holiday Gift Giving Drive. Guests were encouraged to bring a gift to the party, and this year Imagine! and the Boulder YWCA were benefactors of the generosity of Stephen and his guests. Thanks to everyone who donated at the party and made the holidays brighter for the people we serve.

FirstBank employees donated 37 gifts for adults and children last week. This was the first time they have participated in our Gift Giving Drive, and we are extremely grateful for their generosity.

A longtime participant in our Gift Giving Drive, Nativity of Our Lord Church in Broomfield, made a very large donation with gifts for more than 125 children. Toys and clothes were wrapped and bagged for 100 children that the church members ”adopted,” and additional toys and clothes for 25 other children were donated as well. It took three trips with SUVs to collect all of the donations, and it was the largest donation we have received this season! We are estimating that over 300 toys and clothes were donated by church members. Wow! Thanks so much!

We are sincerely grateful to everyone who donated gifts this year. You have truly made the season jolly!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Colorado Gives To Imagine!

The third annual Colorado Gives Day on December 4, 2012 was a big success for the Imagine! Foundation. A total of $45,292 was raised, which was more than three times the amount raised last year. Of the 74 individuals, businesses, and service clubs making donations, 19 were donating to Imagine! for the first time. The total also includes $867 from the FirstBank Incentive Fund. A big boost to this year’s amount was an anonymous $25,000 grant for the new Broomfield Group Home.

This day to encourage philanthropy in Colorado was again coordinated through the GivingFirst Program at the Community First Foundation. More than 68,000 donations across Colorado were made, bringing in more than $15 million for 1,258 non-profits. This was a 20% increase over last year. Donations ranged from $10 to $200,000 with one donor contributing more than $44,000 to 96 different charities!

The Imagine! Foundation has elected to have all online donors go straight to the Community First site from the “Donate Here” buttons on Imagine!’s website. Donating through Community First eliminates all processing charges, which can otherwise be up to 5% of every online contribution. Community First also allows donors to set up monthly draws from bank accounts, individual web-pages for raising funds for Imagine!, and other options to increase support. Click here to find more information and to see the Imagine! page there or simply go to Imagine!'s website and press the “Donate Here” button on the home page.

Thanks to everyone who supported Imagine! and the many other worthy community organizations on Tuesday. Special thanks to the Colorado Community First Foundation and for leading the way on this fantastic day of giving!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donations to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Gold ($5,000-$9,999)
Betty Eldridge – Gold Sponsor of the Imagine! Celebration

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman P.C. – Table at Imagine! Celebration
FirstBank – Table at Imagine! Celebration
Henry & Joyce Kugeler

Associate ($500-$999)
In Memory of Hope Birtcil for the 19th Street Group Home
  From Palma Harbin

Supporter ($250-$499)
In Memory of Sarah McInroy
  From Clark & Lynnette McInroy
  From Tim Weaver
  From W.M. and Cynthia Woods

Friend ($1-$249)
In Memory of Jodi Arnold
  From Walter, Eileen & Julia Kintsch
  From Andrea Mann
  From Alma Peacock
In Honor of Kyla Bursiek
  From Paul & Mary Ann Bursiek
In Honor of Ryland Demianew
  From Elizabeth Demianew
Carl & Rosemary Kilhoffer
Walter Kingsbery
Bob & Allene Richardson
Robert Risch
Marjorie Rogers
Marcia Sadler
Chuck & Carol Semple

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
The Boulder Group of Robert W. Baird & Co.228 holiday gifts for Imagine! families in need

In-Kind Associate ($500-$999)
Palma Harbin – Personal items from consumer Hope Birtcil for 19th Street Group Home

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Julie Hartman – All supplies for staff member going away party (typically a department expense)

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Ballet Nouveau Colorado – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two tickets for “Perpetual Beauty”
Laurie Chrisman – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two one-hour private tennis lessons
Jeanna Dietz – Toys and books for Dayspring
Robert & Susan Gabriel -- Holiday gifts for Imagine! families in need
Harold’s Restaurant and Lounge – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $100 Gift Certificate
Longmont Theatre Company – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two show vouchers
John Nevins – Holiday gifts for Imagine! families in need
Sharon O’Leary – Airline ticket for staff to 2012 US Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women Grant Conference
Robert & Heidi Osborne – Crib, baby items for Dayspring

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Today Is Colorado Gives Day!

Today is Colorado Gives Day, and Imagine! is participating.

Donations made online through our website today at any of the “Donate Here” buttons will be eligible for partial matching funds. (The “Donate Here” button takes you directly to the Community First Foundation site and saves all bank fees for credit card donations.) 

If you are thinking about making a gift to Imagine! before the end of the calendar year, please consider doing it online through our website today! You may also designate a particular Imagine! program in the “Any comments or special instructions” box if you would like. The only gifts that are ineligible are donations for which you receive something in return, such as tickets or sponsorships to our Imagine! Celebration.

Give where you live!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

A roundup of the last two week’s worth of generous donations to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Gold ($5,000-$4,999)
Colorado Business Bank -- Gold Sponsorship of Imagine! Celebration 

Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
PDC Pharmacy – Silver Sponsorship of Imagine! Celebration
Mark Zentner -- Half of Gold Sponsorship of Imagine! Celebration -- will be matched by Motorola Foundation

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
In Honor of Susan Armijo
  From Datalogix, Inc.
Enterprise Holdings Foundation – Grant for Imagine!’s Assistive Technology Lab
Guaranty Bank and Trust Company – Table at Imagine! Celebration
Land Title Guarantee Company – Table at Imagine! Celebration
Longmont United Hospital – Table at Imagine! Celebration

Associate ($500-$999)
Melvyn & Noelle Branch

Supporter ($250-$499)
On Behalf of The Boulder Group of Robert W. Baird & Co for Holiday Gifts for Imagine! Families
  From Anonymous
  From Barbara Brenton
  From Montex  
  From The Schild Family Charitable Gift Fund
John & Alisa Lewis
David & Marlys Millhiser
Thanksgiving Day at Zolo Southwestern Grill Donations

Friend ($1-$249)
Blake Baily
Colleen Bammann
David & Sarah Barnes
Joseph & Ann Boberschmidt
Hal, Sherry & Annie Bruff
William & Jenny Burton
Jerry & Carol Chesser
Max & Barbara Coppom
Scott & Susanne Davis
Fran Dugan
Harry Goresline
Frank & Nancy Latino
Gerald & Pat McNutt
MGM & United Artists – Residuals from Billy Montgomery’s performance in Rain Man
The Naomi Circle
Doc Nelson & Jeanie Valentine
Michael & Jeanne Schmid
In Memory of Donna Sklenar
  From Lo Anne Zentner

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Gold ($5,000-$9,999) Big Red F Restaurant Group360 Thanksgiving dinners for Imagine! families

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Catie Bodin – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Semi precious gemstone necklace
High Country Harley Davidson – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: three day motorcycle rental and T-Shirt
Isle Casino Hotel – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One night stay in a mini-suite and dinner for two at Farraddays
Turley’s – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: 10 $30 gift certificates

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Barris Laser and Skin Care – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Massage and Facial
Boulder Cork – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $60 gift certificate
Boulder Marriott – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One night stay
Children’s Museum of Denver – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Four tickets
Colorado Music Festival – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two Section A tickets
Colorado Symphony – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two tickets for upcoming season
Denver Museum of Nature & Science – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Four museum admissions
Football Signed by Peyton Manning – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item
Larkburger – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 gift card
The Little Jewel – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Sterling Silver Earrings
Lodge Casino - Black Hawk – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One night + $50 towards meals
Opera Colorado – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two tickets to “The Scarlet Letter”
Puddle Car Wash – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: 10 Water Works car washes
Hope Robertson, CEH, RCST, NCLMT – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One 90 minute massage
Tresca (Jane Dinsmore) – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Haircut
Rick Uhlir – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Four one-hour private golf lessons at Indian Peaks Golf Course, including video analysis

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thank You, Robert W. Baird & Co

The photo below is from a generous donation by the Boulder office of Robert W. Baird & Co.(an employee-owned wealth management, capital markets, asset management and private equity firm) made for Imagine!’s Gift Giving Drive.

The good folks at Baird hosted a fundraiser, which was attended by about 180 generous individuals who brought donations for Imagine!. The donations will provide toys for 75-100 of the children on Imagine!’s gift giving list.

Thanks to Baird for making the holidays a little brighter for Imagine! clients and families in need. Special thanks to Baird’s Nancy Crume, the contact point who also delivered the gifts the day after the event.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thank You, Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center

Imagine! recently received a grant of $2,500 from Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center to assist with its mental health services for individuals with developmental disabilities or delays. The grant follows a comprehensive Community Health Needs Assessment facilitated by the University of Colorado Denver, through which Exempla identified Mental Health (including early childhood social and emotional development) as one of eight areas in which Boulder and Broomfield counties ranked below average in Colorado.

The funds will be utilized by Imagine! Behavioral Health Services, which provides evidence-based services in a variety of settings through education and collaboration.

Thank you, Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center, for helping to address the needs of our community!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving Day Smiles

This Thanksgiving brought big smiles to individuals served by Imagine! and their families -- 360 people in all -- who were treated to a complete traditional turkey dinner by Dave Query, owner of Big Red F Restaurant Group, and staff members from all of the Big Red F restaurants who volunteered their time.   The feast was held at Zolo Southwestern Grill.

Kudos to Dave and the Big Red F folks for making the holiday one truly deserving of thanks!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

On this day dedicated to thanks, we want to offer our sincere gratitude to everyone who has provided time, energy, ideas, and funds to help Imagine! meet its mission over its almost 50 years of serving individuals with developmental disabilities. At its heart, Imagine! is a community building organization, and we can’t succeed without the support of the community.

Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Very Zolo Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and that means that once again we have the honor and pleasure of offering a heartfelt “thank you” to Dave Query and staff, who will be treating individuals served by Imagine!, and their families, to a traditional turkey dinner on Thanksgiving Day at Zolo Southwestern Grill.

Query is donating the makings for a delicious Zolo-style repast with all the trimmings, and wait staff members from all of the Big Red F Restaurants (see below) are volunteering their time. There is no charge for the meal, and no tips are necessary.

This year, 360 people (three seatings of 120 each) will get to enjoy this meal. We used an online sign-up this year for the first time, making it easier on Imagine! staff and saving time for everyone. The event filled up in four days!

Dave Query is the owner of Big Red F Restaurant Group, including Boulder restaurants Centro Latin Kitchen, the Bitter Bar, Jax Fish House, West End Tavern, and Zolo Grill, and Denver restaurants Jax Fish House and LoLa Coastal Mexican, and the newest Jax Fish House in Fort Collins. Dave has also served on the Imagine! Foundation Board of Directors

This is the ninth year that Dave Query and Big Red F employees have made Thanksgiving extra special for individuals served by Imagine!. We cannot thank them enough.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Colorado Gives Day Is December 4

Colorado Gives Day is Tuesday, December 4, and Imagine! will again be participating. Donations made online through our website on December 4 at any of the “Donate Here” buttons will be eligible for partial matching funds. (The “Donate Here” button takes you directly to the Community First Foundation site and saves all bank fees for credit card donations.) Imagine!’s total donations for the 2011 Colorado Gives Day were $12,407, from a total of 56 individuals making gifts, including Imagine! staff members and board members. This was a big step up from the previous year’s $4,675.

If you are thinking about making a gift to Imagine! before the end of the calendar year, please consider doing it online through our website on December 4. You may even schedule your gift now to have it recorded on December 4. So far, we already have $6,750 in pre-scheduled donations! You may also designate a particular Imagine! program in the “Any comments or special instructions” box if you would like. The only gifts that are ineligible are donations for which you receive something in return, such as tickets or sponsorships to our Imagine! Celebration.

Mark your calendar for December 4, or schedule your donation now!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Imagine!’s Gift Giving Drive In Full Swing

The Holiday Season is upon us, and at Imagine!, that means our Annual Gift Giving Drive is in full swing.

Many generous individuals, companies, community organizations, and Imagine! employees are working together to provide gifts to needy Imagine! consumers and their families.

Last holiday season, more than 500 Imagine! consumers were served through the Gift Giving Drive with the generosity of community support. You can help to support our families and children who are most in need during this holiday season!

There will be many opportunities to get involved over the next several weeks and we have already started collecting gifts! If you are interested in supporting Imagine!’s Gift Giving Drive with a donation, you can pick up a gift tag (with a specific gift suggestion) from the lobby at Imagine!’s Dixon St. (1400 Dixon St.) or Coal Creek Dr. (1665 Coal Creek Dr.) offices in Lafayette.

Or, you can select a gift from the list below:

For Children ages 0-18
Educational Toys (Spanish or English)
Dolls and Accessories
Board Games
Books (Spanish or English)
Craft Sets
Ball Set or Nerf Set
Car or Truck Sets
Remote Control Car
CD Player w/ Headphones
Art Supplies
Clothing Items
Hats, Scarves, Mittens, Gloves
Gift Cards

Gifts For Adults
Art and Craft Supplies
Body Lotion/Bath Sets
Hats, Scarves, Mittens, Gloves

All gifts can be dropped off in the lobby of either Imagine! building, or a pick up can be delivered for group donations! Imagine! will be collecting gifts until December 10th. For questions, or to schedule a group donation pick up, contact Elizabeth at or 303-926-6460.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Gold ($5,000-$4,999)
Hannelore Jend

Friend ($1-$249)
Angelo & Ann Bindi
John & Ann Boettcher
Boulder Vision Center
Tom & Barb Buell
Dana Dupuis
R.W. Goodacre
John Hoeffler
Al & Pat LeBlang
Rick & Jackie Nelson
Ron & Cheryl Sandgrund
Peter & Anne Schmid
Susan Straight

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Colorado National Golf Club  – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Golf for four with carts
Deb Gravelle – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Three-hour sailing lesson
Mountain Sun & Southern Sun Pub & Brewery – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $300 gift certificates

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Mary Balzer – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Handwoven basket
Comedy Works – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Ten “Admit Two Free” passes
Denver Zoological Foundation, Inc. – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Family Four-pack
Eric Olson, Master Jeweler – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $100 gift certificate
Haystack Mountain Golf Course – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One hour simulator
SkyVenture Colorado LLC  – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Three-minute flight ticket
Sugarbeet – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $40 gift card
Ten20 – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 gift card

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Congratulations, John!

Long-time friend of the Imagine! Foundation John Tayer has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of the Boulder Chamber.

Learn more here.

Congratulations, John!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Rose Mary Honored For 15 Years Of Volunteering

Thanks to Imagine! employee Eva Klemens for orchestrating this neat blog post.

Congratulations to Rose Mary, who is pictured here displaying the plaque she received for volunteering at Boulder Community Hospital for 15 years. Rose Mary, who receives services from Imagine!, volunteers every Wednesday for 2 hours and does office work. Note the rose stitched onto the green jacket she was presented with, which is also engraved with her name. Way to go Rose Mary! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center – Grant for Imagine! Behavioral Health Services

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Don & Kathy Weibel

Associate ($500-$999)
Rose Community Foundation – Phil DiStefano Matching Gift

Supporter ($250-$499)
Warren & Caroline Baker
Randall Draper & Sally Watts
Krische Construction 
In Honor of Cari Pounds
  From Paul & Janet Hoskins
INSPIRATIONField  – Tickets to Imagine! Celebration
Sharon Svendsen

Friend ($1-$249)
Margaret Bass Berglund
Woody Eaton
Terry & Donna Jackson
Ken & Marilyn Jahner
Dan Johnson & Star Waring
In Memory of Sarah McInroy  
  From Matthew & Heather Brandt
  From Jerry & Evelyn Kennedy
  From Ralene Sanford
Glennys McPhilimy
Edward & Elena Merchant (donors since 1999!)
Marion Raines
Floyd & Alta Schweitzer
Larry & Thelma Whitaker (donors since 1997!)

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Animal Hospital – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Vet for a Day + Canine or feline wellness exam/vaccinations
St. Julien Hotel & Spa – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One night stay

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Arvada Center for the Arts – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two tickets
Bolder Boulder – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two race certificates
Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $100 gift certificate for tickets
Jungle Quest – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $28 gift certificate
Longmont Dairy Farm – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 gift certificate
Madcap Theater  – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: 4 tickets to any improv comedy performance
Martini Bistro – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 gift card
Renaissance Denver Hotel – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One night stay
University of Colorado Department of Intercollegiate Athletics – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two football tickets

As always, we thank all of our generous donors

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donations to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Gold ($5,000-$9,999)
Sandy & Sally Bracken – Gold Sponsorship of Imagine! Celebration

Supporter ($250-$499)
Daniel & Judith Hersh

Friend ($1-$249)
Walter & Robin Davis
Tony Greco
Lee Hill Peat, Inc.
Cindy Matthews
In Memory of Sarah McInroy (for Imagine!’s Assistive Technology Lab)
  From Christina Kennedy
Trey & Katie Olson
William & Helen Schmalhorst
Jim & Terry Vratny

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Boulder Country Club – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Foursome with carts
Lake Valley Golf Club – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Foursome with carts

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Barris Laser & Skin Care – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One Facial and One Massage
Carelli’s  – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Two entrees
Eldorado Springs Water  – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: 8 pool passes
Pasta Jay’s – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $60 Gift Certificate
Super Mini Walnut Café – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 Gift Certificate
Via Toscana – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $25 Gift Certificate

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Anniversary, Out & About!

This year marks the 15th Anniversary of Imagine!’s Out & About department making a positive difference in the lives of people with developmental disabilities and their families by providing positive instruction and community-based services within a therapeutic framework.

Out & About was created in 1997 in response to the requests of community members with disabilities and family members who care for those with disabilities. Since that time, Out & About has continued to grow and develop into a dynamic, exciting, and flexible organization thanks to the ideas, requests and suggestions of staff members, the community, and the people they serve.

Out & About offers community-based recreation programming for adults and children with developmental disabilities, including: 

Catalog - Services offered on evenings and weekends for adults. Some examples include: swimming, equine therapy, bowling, hiking, holiday dance parties, arts & crafts, Denver Zoo, Museum of Nature and Science, Water World and Elitch Gardens. Out & About also offers a mid-day Saturday activity for school aged children.

After School Program - Offered to school-aged children. Participants are picked up from their respective school and driven to the activity by an Out & About instructor.

Summer Camp and select School Closure Days  – Full day services for school aged children when school is not in session.

In each program area Out & About uses positive instruction within a therapeutic framework to encourage growth, learning, community participation, socialization, health, safety and the achievement of individual goals for each participant.

To honor this important anniversary, Out & About will be hosting a celebration event this Friday, November 2, in conjunction with its usual Friday Night Out event. The celebration is free and open to the public, and will take place from 6:30 – 9:30 in the John Taylor Conference Center’s Pounds Conference Room, located in Imagine!’s office at 1665 Coal Creek Drive in Lafayette

If you are interested in attending, please contact Haley Jones Short, Out & About, Therapeutic Specialist/Evenings and Weekend Coordinator, at

Congratulations, Out & About! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Silver ($2,500-$4,999)
Boulder Community Hospital – Silver Sponsor of Imagine! Celebration

Associate ($500-$999)
Harold & Connie Jackson
Carl Vertuca

Supporter ($250-$499)
Richard & Diana Lirtzman
In Memory of Sarah McInroy (for Imagine!’s Assistive Technology Lab)
  From Gary Dillard
  From Sarah’s Cousins Back East

Friend ($1-$249)
Bob & Cindy Baxt
In Honor of BC Interiors
  From Mad Seating
Tom & Susan Chesney
Kathy Coyne
Harris Faberman
Don Humphrey
In Memory of Sarah McInroy (for Imagine!'s Assistive Technology Lab)
  From Anonymous
  From Doris Brack
  From Robin Brewer
  From Mike Cooperman & Shirley Kasperbauer
  From Lyle & Beverly Dehning
  From Don & Brenda Graffis
  From Jean Hagenbuch
  From Kara Halley
  From Harry & Wanda Heibein
  From Barbara Kohler
  From Doug & Carol Creech
  From Dan & Kathy Leszcynski
  From Joseph & Dorothy Lindley
  From Cindy Lindquist
  From Don & Victoria Martin
  From Alan Mason & Maggie English
  From Sam & Kay McInroy
  From Sam & Sharon McInroy
  From Barbara McKenzie
  From Colleen Mecseji
  From Harry Robinson, Jr.
  From Vapotherm, Inc.
  From Lisa Vigil
  From Michael & Catherine Violette
In Memory of Billy Montgomery (for the Bob & Judy Charles SmartHome)
  From Charlene Laughlin
Arthur & Barbara Sward

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Associate ($500-$999)
Boulder Community Hospital – Imagine! Celebration Auction Items: Heart Scan and Bike Fit

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Anonymous – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Royal Doulton figurine “Victorian Lady”
Smoker Friendly– Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: A Premium Cigar Basket

In-Kind Friend ($1-$249)
Anonymous – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: Royal Doulton figurine “Bed Time”
Hotel Boulderado – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One night stay
Jeffrey K. Abrams Architect – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: One hour consultation
Leonard’s Golf – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item: $50 gift certificate for lessons or practice

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Thank You, Energy Outreach Colorado

Today we’d like to thank Energy Outreach Colorado, which has provided a combination of in-kind and cash support for energy audits and significant energy efficiency improvements to two of Imagine!'s group residences over the past year through its Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Program (NEEP).

This support will reduce Imagine!'s energy consumption and costs at these facilities for years to come -- thereby strengthening Imagine!’s capacity to provide the broad range of services needed by people of all ages with developmental delays and disabilities throughout Boulder and Broomfield Counties.

Energy Outreach Colorado is the only independent, non-profit organization in the state that raises money to help limited income Coloradans afford home energy. Since 1989, EOC has raised more than $120 million to fund energy bill payment assistance, energy efficiency upgrades for affordable housing and nonprofit facilities, energy efficiency education, and advocacy on behalf of low-income energy consumers. Energy Outreach Colorado relies on private donations, corporate contributions and foundation grants.

Thanks, Energy Outreach Colorado, for your support of some of Colorado’s most vulnerable citizens.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Platinum ($10,000+)
In Memory of Guy and Elaine Smith, Cari Pounds’ loving grandparents (for van for Imagine!’s Tenino House)

Associate ($500-$999)
John Moritz

Supporter ($250-$499)
In Memory of Sarah McInroy (for Imagine!’s Assistive Technology Lab)
  From Karri-Ada Kennedy

Friend ($1-$249)
Jim & Donna Lionberger
In Memory of Sarah McInroy (for Imagine!'s Assistive Technology Lab)
  From Bernie & Leona Stoecker
Jim & Sue Rector

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Friend
Leona Stoecker – Imagine! Celebration Auction Item - One freshly baked loaf of bread each month for a year

As always, we thank all of our generous donors

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thank You To All Of Our Donors

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who support Imagine! and the Imagine! Foundation with cash and in-kind contributions. We publish the names of our donors on a yearly basis.

Click here to see the list of those who donated during fiscal year 2011-2012 (7/1/11 – 6/30/12).

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Gold ($5,000-$9,999)
Energy Outreach Colorado – Grant of $8,818.08 for energy upgrades at Imagine!’s Manhattan Apartments

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
One Lafayette – Grant of $1,500 from City of Lafayette for emergency services for Lafayette families with a family member with developmental disabilities

Associate ($500-$999)
Olivia Edwards
John Thacker

Friend ($1-$249)
Martin & Helen Goldman
In Honor of Joanne Graham and Janine Randol
  from Stacey Forsyth 
John & Anna Mandis
In Memory of Sarah McInroy
  from Alice Galenson and Louis Thompson
Open Sky Event Marketing 
Virginia Patterson
United Way of Tri-County on behalf of Robert Kretsch

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Friend
Denver Boulder Couriers – one courier trip

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thanking The Daniels Fund

Today we’d like to say “thank you” to The Daniels Fund, which recently awarded Imagine! a $15,000 grant for Family Support Grants for families living in Broomfield who have a child with a developmental disability.

Why does this matter? Well, in 2010, the average cost of raising a child to the age of 18 has been calculated at $226,920, or almost $14,000 per year.

Now imagine if that child has a disability - the costs can become staggering. That is what makes Imagine!’s Family Support Grants so important, and why we are so grateful to the Daniels Fund for their support. Imagine! Family Support Grants help pay for the extraordinary costs of caring for a family member who has a developmental disability. Funds may be used to help pay for respite care, professional services, transportation, assistive technology, home modifications, and parent and sibling support.

The Daniels Fund awarded support grants for Broomfield families totaling $10,000 in 2009 and $15,000 in 2010. The organization has given a total of $40,000 to the grant program since 2009.

According to their website,

“The Daniels Fund, founded through the generous legacy of Bill Daniels, operates the Daniels Fund Grants Program and the Daniels Fund Scholarship Program in Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. The Daniels Fund Grants Program supports nonprofit organizations in our four-state region as well as national programs. Each year, approximately 70% of the Daniels Fund’s community investments are made through the Daniels Fund Grants Program in the following areas: Aging, Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, Amateur Sports, Disabilities, Early Childhood Education, K-12 Education Reform, Ethics and Integrity in Education, Homeless and Disadvantaged, and Youth Development.”

A recent article in The Broomfield Enterprise highlighted the most recent grant from The Daniels Fund and shared one family’s story of how the grant was used to purchase an iPad and a set of educational programs to help their son learn and communicate.

We are so grateful to The Daniels Fund for their continued support of Broomfield families. Thank you!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Platinum ($10,000+)
PEH Architects, Inc. – gift of $15,000 for Imagine!’s Broomfield Group Home

Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Imagine! Employees – First Quarter “Transcend $10,000” Imagine! Employee Donation Program

Friend ($1-$249)
Helen Bosley

In-Kind Donations

In-Kind Bronze ($1,000-$2,499)
Andrea VanPeursem - Recumbent Stationary Bike

In-Kind Supporter ($250-$499)
Jan Rasmussen – Women’s Clothing

In-Kind Friend (Up to $249)
Bill & Beverly Sabin - For Imagine! Celebration Auction - Framed “Imagine” Photo from John Lennon Peace Wall in Prague (see photo)

As always, we thank all of our generous donors.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, a national campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities.

Since 1984, Imagine!’s CORE/Labor Source department has been supporting Colorado’s Front Range communities by providing innovative supported employment solutions for businesses and for people who have a disability, including cognitive disabilities.

Supported employment offers people who have a disability the opportunity to develop vital job skills and become active participants in their communities, paying taxes and spending their hard earned money in neighborhood shops and restaurants. The benefits extend far beyond helping Imagine! clients, however. Businesses using CORE/Labor Source services are able to reduce recruitment and training expenses as they benefit from a diversified employee pool. Partnering with CORE/Labor Source is a “win-win” situation that is beneficial all around.

Many companies throughout Boulder and Broomfield counties hire individuals served by Imagine!. Click here to see a list of those businesses, and you are encouraged to visit them and say “thank you."

And please consider using CORE/Labor Source for your own staffing needs. It is a mutually beneficial way to help your community and your bottom line. Feel free to contact them at 303-775-3244 or

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Out & About Summer Camp Wrap-Up

Ten weeks flew by like the wind, and Imagine!’s Out & About Summer Camp has come to an end. From June 4 to August 10, Out & About hosted 45 school-aged children with developmental disabilities for 9-10 hour days during the work week. Horseback riding, swimming, art exploration, rock climbing, field games, Elitch Gardens, and Water World were just a few of the many activities the Summer Camp offered.

“Summer Camp practically starts in March, given all the preparation for hiring, training, and activity set up,” said Scott Wendelberger, Hiring/Training Coordinator. “It’s a big production. We brought in 15 temporary instructors for just the 10 weeks and we spend 35 hours on training the week before the kids come.”

This summer was Out & About’s biggest year in enrollment since 2009, including six participants brand new to Out & About. The big numbers in the summer are spilling over into the After School Program for school-aged kids, with seven more kids enrolled this September compared to last September.

Here’s what some parents had to say about their experiences with Out & About:

“The social interaction, the day to day communications and the level of productivity in my son’s day has been outstanding”

“The respite camp provides for our family; knowing our son is in good hands while we work or rest.”

“Allows single parent to work and engages child to grow.”

“Keep up the awesome program, we love Out & About, your staff is stellar!”

Congratulations to the Out & About staff for another outstanding Summer Camp!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Robert's Art

This blog post was submitted by Gary Stebick, Imagine!'s Communications Coordinator.

Recently I was at Foothills Group Home taking a photo of one of the staff members for a newsletter article about an award she received.  When I was leaving, Robert, one of the residents of the home, was near the front door and politely asked if there was anything he could do to be in the Imagine! newsletter. I told him I was certain there was, and asked him what his interests are. He mentioned art, and said he had a picture in his bedroom that he drew in high school that I might be interested in seeing.

Robert proceeded to show me the art and told me the process of how he decided what to draw in the picture. Robert‘s art teacher at Jefferson High School suggested that Robert find some pictures that he liked in magazines and use them for models for different parts of his art. Robert started by choosing to draw the picture with charcoal and pencil. He saw a picture of mountains that he liked, so mountains was the first thing he drew. Then he drew the large ship, fashioned after a large ship he saw in a photo. Then he found a photo of a man in a rowboat which he liked so he drew a man in a rowboat next. As he continued looking through magazines, he saw a picture of a helicopter and decided to put a helicopter into his drawing. Finally, since there were two ships in the picture he added the ocean, and that’s how he came to draw this wonderful piece of art.

Robert’s interest in art began when he was a child drawing in coloring books. Navy blue is his favorite color, followed by red and orange. Animals are his favorite thing to draw. When asked what he likes to do, Robert replied, “I like to help people, that's my favorite thing to do.”

The piece of art shown here has sentimental value to Robert. He wrapped the picture and gave it to his grandfather as a present.  Unfortunately his grandfather died unexpectedly soon afterwards. Robert’s grandmother knew the artwork was special to Robert and she returned it to him to serve as a reminder of his grandfather, a former Marine whose picture hangs on Robert’s wall near his artwork.

This piece of art that he drew in high school hangs over Robert's bed.  

Robert's favorite thing to do is helping people.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thank You, City Of Lafayette

Today we’d like to send a big “thank you” to the City of Lafayette, CO, for its recent grant of $1,500 to Imagine! for Emergency Funds. The grant was given as part of the City’s “One Lafayette” program, which finances a community fundraiser to help local nonprofit organizations provide essential services.

Items that One Lafayette grant recipient programs help provide include:

• Food, shelter, and other emergency family assistance programs
• Medical care for low-income families and the uninsured
• Support and services for at-risk children
• Transportation, support, independence, and dignity for the elderly, developmentally disabled, and physically challenged
• Tutoring, mentoring, and leadership programs for young people

Funding from One Lafayette will be used to cover a portion of Imagine!'s Emergency Fund distributions to Lafayette residents with developmental disabilities during Fiscal Year 2013. Through the Emergency Fund, Imagine! provides limited financial assistance to help individuals served by Imagine! meet urgent or extraordinary needs not covered by Medicaid or other funding sources. For example, over the past year, with support from the City, Imagine! provided $9,646 in emergency support to 25 residents of Lafayette for dental work, respite care, bed bug extermination, appliances, groceries, diapers, and a high chair for a young child receiving Early Intervention services. Overall, Imagine! distributed $97,317 to grant 156 Emergency Fund requests throughout Boulder and Broomfield Counties during the last year.

The City of Lafayette will be distributing checks to all of the recipients of One Lafayette funds at their next City Council meeting, to be held Tuesday, October 2, beginning at 5:30.

Thank you, City of Lafayette, for your demonstrated commitment to some of your community’s most vulnerable citizens.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thank You Thursday!

This week’s roundup of generous donors to the Imagine! Foundation includes:

Cash Donations

Supporter ($250-$499)
Daniel & Sandra Stevens

In-Kind Donations

Friend (Up to $249)
Liquor Mart – Donation of all beverages for the Summer Imagine!/Imagine! Foundation Board Get Together

As always, we thank all of our generous donors