The Longmont Knights of Columbus recently donated an additional $999 from last fall’s Tootsie Roll Campaign to
Imagine!’s Dayspring department to help fund
Community Calendar Activities! Generous local Knights chapters have supported Dayspring’s activities for quite some time. In fact, the Councils of the Knights of Columbus in Boulder, Lafayette, Louisville, and Longmont have donated more than $35,000 to Imagine! over the past 9 years. Their kindness is inspiring and amazing, and we are so grateful!
That is why we are encouraging you to please help them (and Imagine!) out this weekend. The Boulder Knights of Columbus will begin their annual Tootsie Roll Drive this Saturday (September 18) at two Boulder King Soopers locations: Arapahoe & 30th and Table Mesa & Broadway! You will find them in yellow aprons, collecting donations for individuals with special needs.
Join them if you can, and don't forget to tell all of your friends!