That community support is clearly illustrated by the many people who volunteer to help Imagine! meet its mission to provide tools and supports for individuals with developmental and related disabilities so they may live fulfilling lives in their homes and communities.
Imagine! volunteers assist our organization in many ways. For example, in the fiscal year 2010-2011, Imagine! used volunteers for:
Enhancing Services
During FY2011, 44 volunteers spent 4,617 hours working directly with individuals Imagine! serves. Overall, 88 individuals served in these and other non-direct service roles for a total of 5,687 volunteer hours. That is a 19.8% increase in volunteer hours from the previous year!
Committees and Councils
Five volunteers serve on Imagine!’s Human Rights Committee, which safeguards the rights of individuals receiving services by reviewing all investigations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Twelve serve on the Family Support Council, which provides parent perspective to Imagine!’s leadership and outreach to other parents. Ten volunteers help to orchestrate the Imagine! Celebration Dinner and Auction, the Imagine! Foundation’s annual fundraising event.
Imagine! is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 13 individuals who serve terms of four years with one option to renew. The Board meets monthly and provides both oversight and direction to the organization, guiding its service delivery, financial management, and long-term planning. Four committees (Services, Finance, Executive, and Board Recruitment) meet on a regular basis to provide leadership in specific areas.
The Imagine! Foundation has its own Board of Directors, composed of 22 individuals who serve a term of three years with the option to renew for one term. Their tasks include leading local fundraising efforts and networking on behalf of the organization.
During FY2011, members of these two Boards contributed a total of 1,507 hours of their time to the organization. In addition, 100% of members of both Boards contribute financially to Imagine!.
Many thanks to all of our volunteers – they make a big difference in our ability to serve some of our community’s most vulnerable citizens.
If you are interested in volunteering for Imagine!, click here.
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